Who I Am

My photo
My students call me Professor G. I am in my fifth year as an English language and literature professor at the University level and I honestly love my job. I teach: Remedial English, English Composition, Research & Writing, World Lit. I: Short Stories & the Novel, World Lit. II: Poetry & Drama, and Spanish I (just for some extra flavor). This semester, Spring 2012, I am trying a new tactic with my three sections of ENG 120: English Composition--I will not lecture. I am defining a lecture as me, the professor, monologuing (with or without visual aids and notes) for more than 10 minutes. Follow my journey as I chronicle the successes and failures as I experiment with taking the lecture out of the classroom.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Some days...

Everyone with FMS has good days and bad days. Rarely can we predict when which will occur.

Sometimes, however, bad days happen and we have NO IDEA whether to blame it on fibro or something else entirely.

An update: I've been seeing a chiropractor who specializes in NSA (Network Spinal Analysis) and SRI (Somato Respiratory Integration) for the last month and a half. These practices, in combination, have proved incredibly healing for many people with Fibro, Chronic Fatigue, and a number of other issues.

Our bodies--no surprise--are a lot better at communicating their displeasure and unhappiness to our minds than our minds are at interpreting what our bodies say.

Just sayin'.
