Who I Am

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My students call me Professor G. I am in my fifth year as an English language and literature professor at the University level and I honestly love my job. I teach: Remedial English, English Composition, Research & Writing, World Lit. I: Short Stories & the Novel, World Lit. II: Poetry & Drama, and Spanish I (just for some extra flavor). This semester, Spring 2012, I am trying a new tactic with my three sections of ENG 120: English Composition--I will not lecture. I am defining a lecture as me, the professor, monologuing (with or without visual aids and notes) for more than 10 minutes. Follow my journey as I chronicle the successes and failures as I experiment with taking the lecture out of the classroom.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Suntans & Steak

Love yourself, for who and what you are; protect your dream and develop your talent to the fullest extent.

Joan Benoit Samuelson

Sometimes I think that those of us who struggle with FMS forget to do what Samuelson's quote urges everyone to do. When your fingers are suddenly made of clay, you forget your phone for the tenth time in a day, or you suddenly want to cry because of the shooting pain coming from nowhere in your arm is too much--it's difficult to remember who you are, let alone love it.

I'm lucky enough to be surrounded and supported by loved ones who do their best not only to understand Fibro, but also to help me remember who I am.

Sometimes it still sucks. Just the other night we went to dinner and were seated at a high-top table (big pet peeve of mine, by the way). Within 10 minutes, my shoulders were tensed and my back was spasming. Yaaay sciatica. The steak was yummy, don't get me wrong, but I wasn't exactly focused on it, thanks to the pain.

Overall, however, I've been doing better back down in the sun.
